A Very Nice Advent Calendar
December 9, 2001 8:46 AM   Subscribe

A Very Nice Advent Calendar (and you can't peek ahead), courtesy of hoopla. [via harrumph]
posted by plinth (7 comments total)
Nine days in at the BBC Cult TV Calender. Dec 1st features a special message from The Doctor.
posted by feelinglistless at 8:54 AM on December 9, 2001

Tell me again why people actually watch Dr. Who?

*ducks, covers*
posted by hotdoughnutsnow at 9:02 AM on December 9, 2001

Ahh, memories of parochial schools come streaming back, years of therapy pissed away

Thanks plinth
/bud and kelly Bundy
posted by Mick at 9:25 AM on December 9, 2001

Tom Baker. Mad as a brush.
posted by Summer at 9:26 AM on December 9, 2001

I've had no luck feeling even a little Christmasy this year (it hasn't helped that it's been 80 degrees here), but between seeing the Nutcracker last night and this advent calendar, I think I'm getting there.
posted by jennyb at 9:30 AM on December 9, 2001

Tell me again why people actually watch Dr. Who?

Nudity. Gratuitous violence. Drug taking.
posted by feelinglistless at 9:47 AM on December 9, 2001

Another Advent Calendar
posted by Danielle_T at 2:42 PM on December 9, 2001

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