These Colors Don't Run
May 30, 2012 11:26 AM   Subscribe

Beach-faring designers take note: Fashion Factory has created a line of official Pantone swimwear for men.
posted by hermitosis (33 comments total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
What happens after you wash it a coupla times?
posted by ZenMasterThis at 11:30 AM on May 30, 2012 [1 favorite]

What happens after you wash it a coupla times?

They degrade to Focoltone colors.
posted by Thorzdad at 11:37 AM on May 30, 2012 [3 favorites]

Pantone also has a makeup line now.
posted by leesh at 11:40 AM on May 30, 2012

This will go nicely with my pantone stained glass door.
posted by mullingitover at 11:41 AM on May 30, 2012 [3 favorites]

The best part is when you can coordinate perfectly with your sunburn!
posted by GenjiandProust at 11:47 AM on May 30, 2012

I want this. Why do I want this?
posted by Scientist at 11:50 AM on May 30, 2012 [3 favorites]

Pantone also has a makeup line now.

Jeez, did they design that packaging to look like a wannabe Minecraft block on purpose?
posted by LN at 11:53 AM on May 30, 2012

Does this mean Pantone has officially jumped the shark?
posted by Greg_Ace at 11:57 AM on May 30, 2012 [1 favorite]

That there is a market for this makes me think there are too many graphic designers in the world.
posted by the jam at 12:00 PM on May 30, 2012

posted by pracowity at 12:01 PM on May 30, 2012 [2 favorites]

Does Pantone also have their own family of fonts ?
posted by k5.user at 12:06 PM on May 30, 2012

A deluxe version releases soothing aloe vera.

They're called Pantaloones®
posted by hal9k at 12:10 PM on May 30, 2012 [1 favorite]

What's great is that, since they set the color palette for the rest of the fashion industry, you can always be assured that your bathing suit will be appropriate for the current season.
posted by leotrotsky at 12:17 PM on May 30, 2012 [1 favorite]

the jam: "That there is a market for this makes me think there are too many graphic designers in the world."

Maybe - but as a non-graphic designer interested in this post for far-from-professional reasons, let me present this Venn diagram that might help explain.

The market isn't the yellow or where the yellow/blue/red overlap, but instead the blue and red.
posted by MCMikeNamara at 12:22 PM on May 30, 2012 [4 favorites]

I think this is awesome. I love colors. I don't care about sharks, whether they're being jumped or not. I don't think there can be too many graphic designers. I think the 'authenticity' standards imposed on the art world are stupid. If you like art, do art. If you like design, then design shit.
posted by FirstMateKate at 12:22 PM on May 30, 2012 [1 favorite]

But what if you are say horrified of your body?
posted by The Whelk at 12:40 PM on May 30, 2012

1 solid color? That's for chumps. My trunks have palm trees on them and whatnot.
posted by jonmc at 12:46 PM on May 30, 2012 [2 favorites]

But what if you are say horrified of your body?

Wear these on your head?
posted by Foci for Analysis at 12:46 PM on May 30, 2012 [1 favorite]

I'll take three: a green pair for when I'm feeling nice, a blue pair for when I'm feeling interesting, and a gray pair for when I feel like being a dick.
posted by villanelles at dawn at 1:04 PM on May 30, 2012

The boardroom of Pantone Holdings Inc., the recent past ...

-- And now the market research report. Take it away, Chuck.
-- Thanks, Bill. So the research results are in, and if you turn to page 17 of the report you'll see that, for the 35th year in a row, 99.7% of respondents say they feel positive or very positive feelings towards "colours, and stuff".
-- Holy shit. Like, that's totally what we make. We make colours!
-- I know, right? 
-- It's like our USP!!!
-- Totes! But, stay with me - this could get a little crazy. People think, colours - great. Love 'em. As an abstract concept of specific chromatic experience, or the eternal platonic form of pure hue, they're unbeatable. But - what about the second element there? What about-
-- Woah. Are you going where I think you're going here?
-- Yep! Colours - and "stuff". We make some stuff, right, and then ...
-- Dude - you are about to blow my mind ...
-- We fucking colour the shit out of it. 
-- OMG. OMFG. This is ... this is brilliant.  This is like - wow.
-- John, you're our CFO - does this crazy notion all add up?
-- Sure does, Chuck!
-- The shareholders are going to jizz their pants over this. Gentlemen, let's do this. Let' s colour the shitting fucking ass out of stuff, like, NOW!!!
-- No problem Chief. But, like, only one colour at a time, right?
-- Oh yeah - let's not go weird here.
posted by the quidnunc kid at 1:04 PM on May 30, 2012 [18 favorites]

Humankind is simply materialized color operating on the 49th vibration. You would make that conclusion walking down the street or going to the store.
posted by The Whelk at 1:12 PM on May 30, 2012 [1 favorite]

Um, I love these? It's not just colors, it's like, the perfect colors.
posted by stoneandstar at 1:22 PM on May 30, 2012 [1 favorite]

You appear to be their target market.
posted by chundo at 1:34 PM on May 30, 2012 [3 favorites]

I am leaving on a tropical vacation in like 2 weeks and the fact that I can't order a pair of these is making me pretty unhappy.
posted by hermitosis at 1:42 PM on May 30, 2012

The trunks? Meh. The store? Gorgeous.
posted by sbutler at 1:51 PM on May 30, 2012

How are these different than anything?
posted by univac at 2:15 PM on May 30, 2012

Got it. thanks.
posted by univac at 2:33 PM on May 30, 2012

Don't forget to get a matching Pantone smartphone, with built-in radiation detector in case you're going swimming off the shores of Japan.
posted by Kabanos at 2:45 PM on May 30, 2012

Isn't this just Garanimals for adults?
posted by BigHeartedGuy at 3:00 PM on May 30, 2012

Friends, as almost every article in my rather unfortunate wardrobe will attest, i was into
Tangerine Tango long before these folks.
posted by OHenryPacey at 3:22 PM on May 30, 2012

If they extended these to casual wear, would it be Pant-one?

And the swatches, if memory serves, come with expiration dates. Perhaps the swimwear has the same?
posted by asuprenant at 3:33 PM on May 30, 2012

Hey, quidnunckid, my dog ate a box of crayons & shit
posted by growabrain at 5:22 PM on May 30, 2012

I would like to know if these have webbing, and if so, will I get chafed wearing them?

In other words ... I would like to know if they are web safe.

Thank you.
posted by RobotVoodooPower at 5:44 PM on May 30, 2012 [3 favorites]

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